‘Insecure’ Season 2, Episode 3 Recap: Issa Goes Exploring, Molly’s New Friend, Tasha Gets Real
Hurt people hurt people. And the characters of Insecure are on a hurtin' spree! Breaking up is hard to do. The transition alone could lead to pivotal moments of misguided decision making. Including, wanting to get your “ho game” stronger and accepting the fact that you may be a “f--- boy”. Whatever the case may be, the 3rd episode of Insecure’s second season is below-the-waist deep in reality about hook-ups, how they happen, and what they can teach us about ourselves.
Season 2, Episode 3: "Hella Open" begins with Issa having one of her beloved “Awkward Black Girl” moments during an almost sexual encounter with a six pack of abs, perhaps the same abs she texted “tryna f---” to at the end of the last episode? Issa has an extreme case of the giggles, and even though they're both shirtless, she just can't stay in the mood. Many ladies have experienced this moment when the edge of the cliff, suddenly just doesn't seem worth jumping.
Meanwhile, Molly is continuing her trek to promotion at the job! Her mind seems to be drifting from dating, but she's got a best friend who is suddenly sex-starved with a broken vibrator. Issa needs Molly to come to her aid and help her find a man (or men) who can conquer the lonely nights. Thats what friends are for! The girls venture out to the club where Issa discovers hoeing ain't easy. It's hard out here for a ho. And, the real hoes are winning! At the end of the night, still no score for Issa.
Molly on the other hand, meets a chocolate man who wants to get to know her and take her on an actual date. Ironically, she's not really feeling him. It looks like the very thing that kept her from succeeding at dating is holding up a mirror. Or, could it be that he's too good to be true, and therefore can't be trusted?
Back at We Got Y'all, the girls finally have a stock of students who actually seem interested in being "got." Issa is ecstatic--Frieda on the other hand, sees that all of the students are black. A harsh reminder that the "Mr. Black and Prejudiced" principal has ensured that all the African American kids got first dibs on the We Got Y'all goodies. Frieda no longer wants to be down, however, Issa is finally getting something going in the right direction. Will this become a business break up?
Concurrently, Lawrence is getting settled into his new job and spending more time with Tasha who wants to do more than just have sex all the time, who knew! At work, he's learning about the social dating events happening in the city. It's a whole new world! Especially to a guy who chilled on his girlfriend's couch playing video games for the past 2 years. When invited out by his co-workers, he's torn between keeping his promise to Tasha about her family barbecue or meeting someone new.
Now that Molly is focused on her career, she may have stopped searching for love long enough to let love find her. Out for a drink with Lionel, the two vibe as he speaks like a man who is ready for commitment. Is this guy forreal? Only time will tell.
Issa is at home trying to paint over that fire damage from last week's party when she looks out of the window and spots a guy who lives in her building, Eddie, by the pool. But her turn on is interrupted by a call from Molly who is confused about Lionel's way of dating. "He's perfect on paper but it seems like he has a checklist or something". Issa reminds her best friend that she and Lionel sound a lot alike.
At the park, Lawrence brings chairs to Tasha's family barbecue and realizes he's like a fish out of water around her people, he's not ready to meet her whole family, and someone is playing the flute while twerking by the grill. Lawrence decides to split for the party with his co-workers, telling Tasha he'll be right back. But when he meets up with the gang from work, things get interesting, shots are poured, and Lawrence gets lost in the sauce.
When Issa's sexual cravings get stronger and ultimately take over her brain, she decides to finally "hoe up" and go after Tha D. Eddie may have left his iPhone charger at the party so why not take it to his front door? Shenanigans.
The family cookout has ended and Tasha calls Lawrence with a mouthful. Surprise girl, he never came back like he said he would. Tasha had to have a hint that she was in a rebound situation, but Lawrence didn't actually make it clear either. It seems to be over between these two. I mean, he did embarrass her in front of the entire family and according to her, he's a "f--- n---a" who just plays a nice boy on TV. This seems to touch a nerve with Lawrence. Perhaps he's realizing some harsh truths for the first time?
Back at The Dunes, Eddie can take a hint and knows Issa didn't walk all the way to his apartment just to give him a damn phone charger. She's immediately invited in to smoke. One awkward thing leads to another and Issa finally gets what she's been after since scene 1. A good old fashioned d--- down. But is this going to be a one time thing? Or, will these two become neighbors with benefits?
I guess we'll see next Sunday!
Watch the HBO preview for Ep 4 of Insecure below: