Snoop Dogg has a strong presence on the digital sales market, with Snoop-branded virtual gifts, pets and clothing being sold through online worlds like Gaia Online, WeeWorld and Zwinky. But apparently, his sales initiative has earned him a pretty penny. According to a new case study, the emcee has sold more than $200,000 of branded virtual goods across these networks, with his sales on social gaming site WeeWorld totaling more than 2.5 times that of non-branded goods.

"My virtual items are off tha chain jacc!" the rapper said in a statement. "It's a world and a movement that I have been down with since day 1."

Branded virtual goods, also known as BVGs, account for one percent of the $3.1 billion virtual goods market, but are expected to reach $150 million by 2013 and $318 million by 2015. Corporations including Green Giant, Nestle's Purina and Cascada have cashed in on BVGs, with the latter company selling a staggering 310 million organic blueberries on FarmVille.

Snoop Dogg has also been making moves outside the online market, most recently teaming up with Jersey Shore's The Situation to partner with sunglasses company Serious Pimp. He also became a pitchman for Adidas, appearing in a World Cup advertisement for the classic clothing brand.

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