Splatter fanatics awaiting Friday's opening of 'Fright Night,' director Craig Gillespie's remake of the '80s cult classic, ought to check out Kid Cudi's video for the soundtrack single 'No One Believes Me,' which premiered Friday (Aug. 12) on MTV.

Directed by Gillespie, the clip finds a dazed Cudi wandering the streets of a deceptively idyllic suburb -- a place where little girls in bloody nightgowns drag stuffed bunnies across driveways and foxy vampire ladies get it on with the blinds wide open.

The hoodie-clad Cudi looks and sounds mildly disturbed, and as he talk-sings lines like, "I know that something is wrong here," he matches the dreary tone set by the track's distorted guitars and skeletal piano plinks. The Cleveland-born rapper recorded the tune with Dot da Genius, his partner in the rock duo 2 Be Continuum. The pair plan to release an album later this year.

While the clip -- which comes complete with a twist ending -- plays like an homage to Michael Jackson's 'Thriller' or Rockwell's 'Somebody's Watching Me,' Cudi told MTV that he wrote the lyrics with the original 'Fright Night' in mind.

"We really were inspired to create the song for the movie which was something I had never done before," he said. "I didn't want it to be a cheesy [or a] cliché type of record. I still wanted it to be something that people could play and still absorb it and enjoy it without thinking 'aw this is for the 'Fright Night' movie."

Watch Kid Cudi's 'No One Believes Me'

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