Riff Raff’s Bodyguard Annihilates Another Fan at Michigan Concert [VIDEO]
A fan missed the memo that jumping onstage when RiFF RAFF is performing can be hazardous to your health. The rapper’s muscular bodyguards pummeled another overzealous fan who tried to interrupt his show in Michigan recently.
According to TMZ, RiFF RAFF was performing a song when a concertgoer jumped onstage behind him. It wasn’t long before a very large bodyguard grabbed the man and tossed him back into the crowd like a rag doll. Then another bodyguard jumped off the stage and chased the fan to give him a proper beatdown.
The gossip website reports that Adam, the offending stage violator, knew he was going to get beat up when he got up onstage. He was eventually escorted out of the venue by his neck. Adam claims he suffered bumps and bruises but he doesn’t plan on suing. Well, that's nice of him, we guess.
At least it wasn’t as bad as the previous fan who was obliterated by a bodyguard after touching the rapper.
Thankfully, Adam is alive and well. Hopefully, other folks will think twice before trying this stunt. But we have a feeling that this is going to be a common occurrence at RiFF RAFF’s shows.