Rhymefest, born Che Smith, received 20 percent of the vote yesterday in his run for alderman of Chicago's 20th Ward, giving him enough leverage to face off with incumbent Ald. Willie Cochran in an April runoff.

Each candidate must win by 50 percent of the vote. Cochran received 46 percent of the vote, making for only a 26 percent gap between the top two candidates. Five candidates squared off in the 20th Ward election for alderman. Rhymefest -- who won a Grammy for co-writing Kanye West's 'Jesus Walks' -- believes that another candidate, Andre Smith -- who received 15 percent of the vote -- may have confused voters at the polls. George Davis trailed Rhymefest with 16 percent of the vote.

"A lot of people didn't vote for Cochran. People want change, and those who voted for Andre and George Davis will join up with me for change," Rhymefest told the Chicago Sun-Times. "I'm having a revolution of love. We want the 20th Ward to be a village again."

The runoff will take place on April 5. "We have 42 days to make this happen," Rhymefest tweeted Wednesday morning. "I'm going out today to get to work immediately but I cannot do this alone." Rhymefest is trying to bring green businesses to the South Side Ward, one of Chicago's poorest. He has also taken initiative with the Chicago Public School system and has the support of the Chicago Teachers' Union.

In other Chicago election news, Rahm Emanuel, former White House Chief of Staff to President Barack Obama, won the city's race for mayor.

Watch Rhymefest's 'Bullet'
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