County Clerk’s Note to Meek Mill Sparks Investigation
Last week, it was discovered that a court clerk passed a note to Meek Mill asking for money during his probation hearing. The incident has now sparked an investigation from judges and court personnel.
As we previously reported, court clerk Wanda Chavarria gave Mill the letter where she wrote that she had bad credit and desperately needed money to pay her son’s tuition at Virginia Commonwealth University.
“It is every parent’s hope to provide the best for their children," she wrote. "This will probably be my son's last semester at VCU if the tuition isn't paid for this year and unfortunately with my bad credit, I am unable to secure a loan or cosign a loan for my son. Anything you can do is very much appreciated."
Chavarria reportedly admitted to TMZ of slipping him the note without the judge’s knowledge. There's no word if she has been disciplined for it or not.
Meanwhile, insiders have told the outer that judges and court personnel are investigating the circumstances surrounding the note.
This incident adds to the controversy related to Mill’s judge, Genece Brinkley, who has been accused of misconduct in regards to the Philly rapper's case.
In other news, Meek Mill donated $10,000 to Colin Kaepernick's #10for10 campaign.
"Despite my brother @meekmill’s current circumstances, he continues to stay connected in the community of Philly," Kaep tweeted on his Twitter page. "He pledged to go #10for10 on my #MillionDollarPledge. We’re both donating $10k for a combined $20k to Youth Service Inc. Keep staying strong Meek, we love you brother!"