There's no question that Jazmine Sullivan is grossly underrated as a singer in music. While her talents can't be undermined, her decision-making as a person is looking a bit shaky after she posted a long eulogy for deceased gospel singer Thomas "TC" Clay.

Instead of Jazmine providing reasons as to why TC will be missed, she spoke on his persistence in trying to get her attention.

"I don't know TC very well. What I do know is I gave him my number accidentally thru a friend and he reached out consistently for a year. I think I replied maybe three times but that never stopped him from writing me. He was DETERMINED," she wrote in a since deleted post. "I had no idea who was "bothering" me until then and how dope he was,."

Of course, Twitter mercilessly dragged the life out of Jazmine for her comments. Check some of the tweets below.

Jazmine Sullivan

Do you think Jazmine was wrong for her eulogy?

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