Ice-T is a very interesting character. With his longstanding career in music and acting, he isn't afraid to take chances personally and creatively. So when our friends at Loudwire decided to fact-check his Wikipedia page in their video series, 'Wikipedia: Fact or Fiction?,' they couldn't fit his almost 30-year career into just one video.

For Loudwire's second installment of 'Wikipedia: Fact of Fiction?' we learn more about Ice-T's band Body Count, the highs and lows of his metal career and just how much he respects the genre of music.

1. The band is called Body Count for many reasons, not just as a reference to the amount of people who were slain in Los Angeles.

Ice-T refers to Body Count as the number of people who check out the band's show for the first time ("non-believers") and instantly become fans of their movement. He also refers to it as the amount of fans who go hard in the mosh pit and essentially get beaten up from it.

2. Ice-T believes country-western and hip-hop are all similar when it comes to lyrical content.

"Like country-western, they sing about their truck, we sing about our low-rider," he explains. "They always having problems with their bitches, you know? Like I shot a man in Reno just to watch him die. That's f---ing ghetto boys."

3. Body Count's 1997 album, 'Violent Demise: The Last Days,' is dedicated to the band's late drummer Beatmaster V.

Beatmaster V was Ice-T's high school friend and one of the band's original members. While on tour in Belgium, he was diagnosed with cancer and later passed away.

4. The band's debut album went gold twice.

Body Count clearly had a hit on their hands because their self-titled debut LP managed to hit that status a second time after the removal of the controversial song 'Cop Killer.' The band actually gave away 15,000 burned copies of the album at their gigs and still managed to make this one a hit.

5. Slayer invited Ice-T to feature on one of their tracks, 'Disorder,' as well as 'Illusion of Power' with Black Sabbath.

"I've been very fourtunate to work with the heavies," he shares. "...And the fact that they respect me gives me the ability inside to tell them to f--- the f--- off."

Watch more from Ice-T's lesson on metal music above. And in case you missed part one of Loudwire's 'Wikipedia: Fact or Fiction?' with Ice-T, take a look below.

Watch Ice-T in 'Wikipedia: Fact or Fiction?' Part One

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