Amber Rose and 21 Savage Slam SlutWalk Critics: ‘Do Y’all Want Him to Pistol Whip Me?’ [WATCH]
21 Savage appearing alongside his boo Amber Rose at her annual SlutWalk this weekend drew some mixed reactions from the rapper's fans. The annual event was held in Los Angeles on Sunday (Oct. 1) and Savage was pictured marching next to Rose while holding a sign that reads “I’m A Hoe Too.”
Rose also thanked 21 for being there with her, writing on Instagram, “Thank you for all of ur support today baby it means the world to me #arsw17.”
Today, (Oct. 2nd) Amber and Savage blasted the naysayers--and anyone who says he can't be a "Savage" anymore--in an online video.
"How the f--- is my man not a savage anymore?" Amber asks in the vid. "Do y'all want him to pistol whip me? Beat me up? Shoot up the SlutWalk?"
Rose then tilts the camera to let Savage chime in.
"Y'all need yo get offa n---a d---," a nonchalant Savage says. "Get off my d---."
"Get off yo bitch dick, too," Amber adds, before 21 makes it clear: "SlutWalk was fun than a muhf---a."