The Roots are executive producing an animated children's series, tentatively called South Street, as well as a live-action children's series. Roots members Questlove and Black Thought, as well as their manager Shawn Gee and Category 5 Entertainment's Brian Sher will all be partnering with Amazon to work on the project.

The animated series will focus on three friends, Zora, Nicki and Tyson, who all live in an extremely musical neighborhood. At some point, they form a group themselves and come up with the name South Street Band.

The music will be provided by The Roots, and the stories will be penned by Becky Friedman, who works on the animated series Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood.

In a press statement, Quest said he's excited to work with Amazon, and Thought said he hopes that South Street will inspire a whole new generation of musicians.

"As we venture into the world that is film and television production, we couldn't think of a better partner than Amazon to help us develop these first two children's projects," stated Questo.

"Our love for music started as young kids, and we hope to inspire a generation of future artists, musicians and music fans through the stories we tell and the music they hear on these shows," said Black Thought afterwards.

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