A 15-year-old boy has filed assault charges against one of Lil Wayne's bodyguards after an altercation following a concert in Phoenix last week. After wrapping up his performance for the America's Most Wanted Tour on Aug. 12, two buses from Wayne's entourage made a stop at an apartment complex close to the Cricket Wireless Amphitheater where the show had taken place and that's where the trouble began.

According to TMZ, witnesses told police that they watched a number of women move in and out of the buses until chaos eventually broke out around the area. The onlookers said that bottles and stones were hurled at Wayne's tour bus, and at least one gunshot was heard, although no one is sure who fired the shot. When he was questioned by the police a short time later, Weezy admitted to being in one of the buses in the area, but claimed that his driver had left the scene as soon as the conflict began.

The unnamed 15-year-old claims that Wayne's bodyguard left him with bruised ribs after the violent incident.

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