Released around the time mainstream America first started to fall in love with hip-hop, 1984's 'Beat Street' is a film encompassing the three key elements of the movement: breakdancing, DJing and graffiti. Using the burgeoning hip-hop scene as its background, the movie follows the lives of two South Bronx, N...
A group of hip-hop legends have teamed up to host Hip Hop Public Health's 3rd Annual Summit on June 9, to teach school children about healthy eating.
The Summit will feature appearances by old school rap legends Kool Moe Dee, DMC from Run-DMC, Public Enemy's Chuck D, Doug E...
After a long break from recording, rap pioneer Kool Moe Dee has announced that he is working on a new album.
The seminal battle rapper is currently on tour with Salt-N-Pepa as part of the Legends of Hip-Hop tour, along with fellow rap heroes Doug E...