"American Idol" drama has gone beyond the criticisms of Simon Cowell's sharp tongue and spilled into an actual fight between new judges Nicki Minaj and judge Mariah Carey. The filming for the show in Charlotte, N.C. was disrupted by a heated argument between Minaj and Carey. A video obtained of the dispute was posted by TMZ.com yesterday (Oct. 2) and has been making the rounds ever since.

The clip shows a helpless Keith Urban caught in between the feuding divas, as Randy Jackson tries to offer calming comments from next to Mariah Carey. The drama is clearly centered around the "Starships" rapper, who won't stop yelling. Rumors were circulating from day one that the two divas wouldn't be able to get along, and though the ladies tried to dispel these speculations, they have clearly have some serious beef.

In the video, Nicki can be heard saying "I'm not going to take it back, and if you've got a fucking problem, handle it. I told them, I'm not fucking putting up with her fucking highness over there," says Minaj, at which point you can hear Carey react. "Ohhhhh, why, why, why?" Carey responds. "Figure it out!" Minaj yells a number of times.

Let's help for the sake of "American Idol"s producers they DO figure it out, the show has just barely started filming and both judges are signed on for the long haul with hefty contracts.

Watch the video of Nicki cursing out and threatening Mariah courtesy of TMZ below.

Watch Nicki Minaj and Mariah Carey Fight
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Watch Nicki Minaj's "Starships" Video

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