N.O.R.E. Would ‘Have Someone Kill’ His Daughter for Doing Porn — Say What!
In a recent radio interview, N.O.R.E. weighed in on Laurence Fishburne's daughter's sex tape. "I know for a fact he's sick about it," Nore said. "I have 8 kids, 7 boys and 1 girl. If it was my sons, I would probably be proud, but if it was my daughter I would have someone kill her." Wow. [HipHopWired]
Ne-Yo rocks hats. Initially he chose this fashion accessory in order to hide his baldness, but now he just does it to feel clothed. "My initial hat wearing thing started when I was very, very young - I was still in high school...All the men in my family started losing their hair really, really young so my hair started thinning around 15 and you know, high school children can be very, very cruel. So I started wearing hats because of that but then as time progressed and I started developing my thick skin it didn't really matter anymore what people thought, but at that point a hat felt normal. Now I feel naked without one." Kind of a bad look though, honestly. [LiveFromStudio5]