Lauryn Hill has penned an open letter to her fans, in an apparent effort to quell speculation regarding her recent announcement that she is pregnant with her sixth child.

"Greetings faithful fans and friends," begins the message, which was posted on her website. "Coming back home after several months of extensive reconnecting with supporters and music lovers. We thank you for your continued appreciation. The majority of these dates were planned in advance of me knowing about the continued growth of my family (wink, wink)."

Hill announced her pregnancy during a performance at Detroit's Chene Park Amphitheater on Saturday (June 4), informing the crowd that she was "going to be taking time off to give birth," after joking about being "the most fertile woman in America" during previous stops on the tour.

The 36-year-old former Fugees member has been notoriously late to perform on tour, a matter she addressed in her missive, apologizing and thanking fans for their continued support.

"There were some shows that we started late," she wrote. "We apologize and thank you for your patience. That said, I can't wait to re-engage with you, and give you a musical experience worth coming back for. Let's do it real soon."

Hill's longtime partner, and father of her previous five children, Rohan Marley, has denied responsibility for the pregnancy. At this time, the father of Hill's unborn child is still unknown.

Though Hill's Moving Target: Extended Intimate Playdate Series tour concluded in Detroit, the singer is still scheduled to appear at this summer's Rock the Bells hip-hop festival, where she will perform her classic debut 'The Miseducation of Lauryn Hill.'

Watch Lauryn Hill's 'Ex-Factor'
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