The upcoming Rolling Stone, which is set to hit newsstands on June 24, will feature Jay-Z in a cover story entitled 'How Jay-Z Became King of America.' Hov, appearing on the cover in his now-trademark "all black everything" look, is trailed for a day and gives some relatively unique one-on-one access to contributing editor Mark Binelli.

According to a preview sent around by the publication, the piece starts off in Jay's New York office as he tries on new suits and talks about fashion. He then heads to a watch auction at the Four Seasons, mispronounces 'Frasier' actor Kelsey Grammer's name and asks how to spell "faux pas".

The notoriously private celebrity also opens up a little bit about his relationship with wife Beyonce. Jay reveals that he bought an expensive Laurie Simmons photograph for the couple's 8,000-square-foot Tribeca apartment that was quickly vetoed by his wife due to its violent and sexualized subject matter. Hov describes it as "a noirishly lit pistol with a pair of women's legs emerging from the handle" before adding that "Beyonce sent it back and had it replaced with a similar Simmons piece, only depicting a perfume bottle instead of a gun".

So, we have high fashion and fine art so far. What other luxuries is the rich entrepreneur into these days? Apparently, expensive therapy sessions wouldn't be one of them. "The psychiatrist gave him tea that made him sleepy and asked him questions like, 'Who are your best friends?'" writes Binelli. Jay never went back.

Check out snippets from the interview, along with the actual cover here.

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