While fans, peers, critics and naysayers gear up for Jay-Z's 'BluePrint 3,' one of the most hyped-up, written-about, talked-about and simultaneously hated-on albums of the decade -- just don't worry about Hov, because he's not breaking a sweat. The Roc Nation CEO graces the cover of XXL's October issue and took the time to address two of the public's favorite topics: His status as the greatest in the game and accusations of him hating on a new generation of MCs.

Any good analyst knows that your conclusion is only as good as your data and maybe Hov ain't no analyst, but he's definitely got his numbers on correct.

When I say I'm the best, I'm not just saying that I say that with all my stats behind me. I put that against anybody. I mean anybody. I really believe that... I believe in a lot of things. I believe that 'SportsCenter' is the best thing on TV. I shouldn't have to prove it. But I do have these stats to prove it," he said. "We're not talking about respect what I've done. I'm talking No. 1 [albums] 10 times. The Beatles is the only one [to have more No. 1 albums]. They got 19, and if I get a surge of creativity, I could make nine albums next year."

On the perpetually building controversy of slamming young MCs for their use of auto-tune, Mr. Carter set the record straight once and for all. "I'm not hating on young people. Like, when people say that, I'm like, What are you talking about? It's just stupid." -- Jim Jones, are you paying attention? -- "I'm not hating on young people... I'm not Bill Russell, [saying] Michael Jordan ain't shit. I'm saying Lil Wayne and Kanye are like LeBron and Kobe," Hov said.

Jay explained that dishing out advice to young artists is something he's entitled to after his 12-year run in the hip hop game. "My job as someone at the forefront of the game is to leave it in a better position than when I came in. Same way that Russell [Simmons] left it to me. 'Cause this thing saved my life. Literally. So I have a responsibility to it karmically," he said. "And after that it's on you. I did my part. I made 'D.O.A.' I said it. I made the statement. I made the push. Here, y'all take it from here."

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