Jay-Z and record execs Michael Kyser and Shawn Costner are being accused of stiffing a New York nightclub. Jay and company hit up M2 in February, and according to the manager, Dan Develin, the $1500 bill, which was already "heavily discounted," was never paid. "Jay-Z ordered a bottle of Patron Platinum and some expensive champagne, and everything was going great," Develin said.

The manager admits that Kyser and Costner appeared to be sorting out the bill in an effort to pick up the tab for the music mogul. "Kyser and Costner were making a big show of wanting to take Jay-Z out, so they started arguing over who got to pick up the check," Develin says. He added, "Jay-Z ended up tipping the waitress $500 and going outside to wait."

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Unfortunately, it appears the men never sorted out the bill issue. Before we could get [Kyser] to sign the receipt, he left the club. Of course, we still have his card, so we called up his office, and his assistant told us someone would come by to sign. Weeks went by, and no one ever did."

To make matters worst, Kyser, reportedly, disputed the charge when he received his credit card bill. "Finally, we got a call from AmEx and were told that Kyser was disputing the charge. When we called him up again, his assistant said, 'Oh, Michael says he doesn't actually remember being there' -- which is crazy because we have his card and photos of him and Jay-Z."

Jay-Z has not commented on this incident.

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