20 Rappers & Singers Who Disappeared From the Spotlight
The music industry is continuously evolving and with that comes a revolving door ushering in artists and sometimes kicking them out. For many singers and rappers, one day you're at the height of your career with chart-topping hits and then the next day, you could be remembered as a one-hit wonder. Considering all of the talent that springs up each day with the help of the internet through iTunes, Amazon, SoundCloud, Spotify and now TIDAL, the selection of new music is endless.
This leads to a crazy turnover and it's easy for hip-hop and R&B artists to get lost in the fold. It doesn't always mean that their music isn't any good, but the new songs don't necessarily gain the same attention that their past hits once did. So what happens to these artists? While some faded away, there are others who have continued to hustle to reach their former famous status and some who have quit the music industry for a "normal life." Regardless of where they're at now, it's a very different path from the one they traveled during their heyday.
From Murphy Lee to Montell Jordan and Nivea to 702, The Boombox takes a look at 20 Rappers & Singers Who Disappeared From the Spotlight.