With only four NFL teams left in the playoffs, Super Bowl mania is in full swing. Celebrities have been rallying behind their favorite teams full force, but while Lil Wayne has dished about his Favre obsession, Prince took his Vikings enthusiasm a step further. The star made his second appearance at a Minnesota Vikings game last week, just in time to see his team destroy the Dallas Cowboys 34-3. The Minneapolis-born star was apparently so thrilled about his team's odds of making it to the Super Bowl, that he immediately penned and recorded a new fight song for Favre and crew, titled 'Purple and Gold.' "I saw the future," Prince told Fox 9 in Minneapolis, about his inspiration to create the song.

The new tune, filled with inspirational words for the team, will be ready just in time for the Vikings conference championship match up against the New Orleans Saints on Sunday. "We come in the name of the purple and gold/All of the odds are in our favor/No prediction too bold/We are the truth/If the truth can be told/Long reign the purple and gold," he wrote.

The Vikings will make their first appearance in an NFC championship game since 2000 when they play the Saints this Sunday, Jan. 24. The team's last appearance in the Super Bowl was in 1977. Stream Prince's 'Purple and Gold,' below or for a higher quality version of the song, head here.

Purple and Gold Lyrics

the veil of the sky draws open

the roar of the chariots touch down

we r the ones who have now come again

and walk upon water like solid ground

as we approach the throne we won't bow down

this time we won't b denied

raise every voice and let it b known

in the name of the purple and gold

we come in the name of the purple and gold

all of the odds r in r favor

no prediction 2 bold

we r the truth if the truth can b told

long reign the purple and gold

the eyes say ready 4 battle

no need 4 sword in hand

we r all amped up like a rock n roll band

ready 2 celebrate every score

ready 2 fight the elegant war

ready 2 hear the crowd roar

that's what we came 4

and so much more

in the name of the purple and gold

r spirits may b tired

r bodies may b worn

but since this day is r destiny

r history – that's y we must b

4ever strong as the wind that blows the Vikings' horn

in the name of the purple and gold


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