Prince Purchased the ‘Purple Rain’ House Last Summer
Prince was always on top of his business. It turns out that last summer, Prince purchased the Minneapolis house that appeared in the classic movie Purple Rain. Last year marked the film's 30th anniversary. The above photo is the home where Prince’s Purple Rain character, “The Kid” grew up.
Hennepin County property lists the current owner of the house as NPG Music Publishing, which is one of Prince’s production companies. Last year, when the house went on sale, the asking price was $110,000.00 which is a relatively affordable price considering its significant music history and its landmark status in Minnesota.
According to The Current, The vintage house was reportedly in very bad shape but the fixer-upper is now in the care of the Bremer Trust and being “rehabbed” with updates that include a new boiler.
Minnesota’s public records reveal Prince as one of the areas largest landholders with numerous properties owned and later sold in the metro area as well as in Chanhassen, where he owned 200 acres. Prince also dabbled in the housing market owning property in other metropolitan areas that includes Los Angeles and Spain.
In other Purple Rain news, Prince's backing band The Revolution recently announced they'll be doing a couple of shows in honor of the late icon. According to the Minneapolis Star Tribune, the band will perform two reunion concerts in September at their old stomping grounds – First Avenue nightclub in Minneapolis. The historic venue is where Prince and the Revolution filmed their classic 1984 film, Purple Rain.
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