Framed Kanye West Tweets Are Now a Thing You Can Buy
If you're looking for the perfect gift for someone who loves Kanye West's tweets as much as Kanye does, you can now purchase highlights from his Twitter feed. A website is selling more than 35 of his greatest moments on the social media platform.
You can find them over at Framed Tweets. For $49, you'll receive a printout on 275 gsm cardstock matted inside a gold-colored frame, which can be hanged on a wall or propped on a table. For their selection, they've chosen all aspects of his personality that have made Kanye one of the most talked-about celebrities of the day.
You'll find Kanye at his most inspirational, doling out such pieces of wisdom as "Please: Do everything you possibly can in one lifetime," "Don't trade your authenticity for approval," "the beauty is in the imperfection(s)" and "All you have to be is yourself."
Of course, there's plenty of his self-love on display, including "I need a room full of mirrors so I can be surrounded by winners," and the all-time classic, "And I love you like Kanye loves Kanye." But there's also the his contradictory side, such as when he declared that "naps are awesome" but also realized that "[f]ur pillows are hard to actually sleep on."
And then there are those moments where you wonder what prompted the tweet, such as "Sometimes I get emotional over fonts," "Man ... ninjas are kind of cool ... I just don't know any personally," "Ima fix wolves" and "I hate when I'm on a flight and I wake up with a water bottle next to me like oh great now I gotta be responsible for this water bottle."
You can find those and more below. Framed Tweets also sells musings from President Donald Trump as well as many actors, comedians, athletes and musicians. They also have a collection of "rare and deleted" tweets, featuring some particularly culturally insensitive moments.
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