Josh Groban Sings Kanye West’s Tweets
Josh Groban put a hilarious spin on the recent late night talk show trend where a buttoned up actor or actress [think: Gwyneth Paltrow] busts a rhyme for laughs. The crooner appeared on 'Jimmy Kimmel Live!' last night (Jan. 3) and transformed Kanye West's 140-character or less tweets into songs for a mock ad for his fictional album, 'Josh Groban's The Best Tweets of Kanye West.'
Groban sat behind his piano and passionately performed some of Kanye's most random tweets including, 'fur pillows are actually hard to sleep on" and "do you know where to find marble tables ... looking to have a conference, but not until i have a table," "black is the new black" and "french fries are the devil."
Check out the video after the jump.
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