The Fast and the Furious franchise is currently in the winner's circle. The latest installment, The Fate of the Furious, directed by F. Gary Gray, grossed a record-smashing $532 million global debut over the three-day weekend, according to The Hollywood Reporter.

The film’s massive box office total surpasses the previous record-holder Star Wars: The Force Awakens, which earned $529 million during its debut weekend back in December. In the U.S., Furious 8 grossed $100.2 million, while overseas it netted $432.2 million.

For director F. Gary Gray, he now holds the distinction of having the highest-grossing international opening for an African-American director ever. Previously, the 47-year-old filmmaker held the prestigious honor of being the highest-grossing African-American director of a U.S. film with Straight Outta Compton with $161.2 million in box office sales. But he was dethroned by Jordan Peele this year with his horror flick Get Out, which has now earned an estimated $168 million at the box office.

Congratulations to F. Gary Gray on his box office achievement.

Watch The Fate of the Furious Trailer

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