Chris Rock stole the show on Kanye West's 2010 release 'My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy' with his eight-minute comedic tirade, titled 'Blame Game.' While the cameo came as a surprise to fans, Rock has revealed how the collaboration came about, and that he jumped at the opportunity as soon as it was presented to him.

"I did that quicker than I read scripts that they offer me money to do," he told The New York Times. "I thank [Kanye] so much it probably freaks him out. Especially at this late date, to get on something, the album of the moment, that stuff is priceless. You can't put a price tag on that. [...] I felt invigorated by it. I've still got my fastball."

Rock has previously appeared on other rap albums. In 1999, he lent his talents to Ol' Dirty Bastard's track 'Recognise' off of his sophomore album 'N---a Please,' later appearing on Ludacris' track 'Everybody Hates Chris' off his 2008 album 'Theater of the Mind.' As a solo artist, Rock has released four albums since '91's 'Born Suspect,' with his biggest album 'Bigger & Blacker' hitting stores in '99. The actor is currently gearing up to make his Broadway debut in 'The Motherf---er with the Hat.'

Watch Kanye West's 'All of the Lights'
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