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In May 2012, one-time Bad Boy signee G. Dep was sentenced to 15 years in prison for a murder he confessed to committing nearly 20 years prior. And on a recent episode of 'Nightline,' he explained why he came forward after so many years and what his life's like now.
NEW YORK (AP) - When rapper G. Dep turned himself in for a nearly 2-decade-old shooting, he told police he wanted to clear his conscience.
He found out Tuesday what the consequences would be: 15 years to life in prison, the minimum term for his murder conviction...
Rapper G. Dep was convicted of murder last month, after killing a man in 1993 and coming forward with a surprise confession in 2010. One of the jurors that found the former Bad Boy signee, born Trevell Coleman, guilty was GQ Editor-in-Chief Jim Nelson...
NEW YORK (AP) - A once-rising rapper was convicted Tuesday of a 1993 killing after recently telling police he'd shot someone while trying to rob him years ago.
G. Dep hugged his lawyer after hearing the jury's verdict in an unusual trial that came about only because of his confession, which he didn't deny making but suggested was mismatched to the slaying with which he was charged...