Say What! — Snoop Says ‘Daddy Was a Pimp’ + More
The Doggfather, Snoop discussed his parenting tips- namely, tell the kids that daddy was a piiimp. "I have never hidden anything from my kids...They know i am ex-banger, drug-dealer, wanna be pimp. They know about how i cheated on their mother and wanted to get a divorce because they heard it from me directly. That's why me and my relationship with my kids is about us being friends because sometimes a father can scare a kid, but a friend is always going to be there." Yeah, but their friends aren't responsible for raising them, Snoop. [Bossip]
Responding to rumors that his new show may be canceled, Jay Leno joked with bandleader Kevin Eubanks, "Hey, Kev, what does NBC stand for? Never Believe your Contract." Jay Leno made us laugh, wow. [MTV]