It was once stated that "Bo Knows" and while we can't doubt his literal knowledge of everything, we don't know if he realized there would be a new silhouette with his name on it dropping in 2014.

The Nike AIr Max Bo Jackson takes elements of the Nike Air Trainer 1 and Nike Air Trainer SC II and tosses them into a blender with new technology like a 360 Air Max unit in the sole. The whole affair is kicked up a notch by the use of the infamous South Beach colorway, which has an almost hypnotic effect on the viewer.

This pair is set for a September release date and while we're still tracking down Nike retailers that carry them, we've found them for pre-sale over at Luisa Via Roma. At $238, they carry a hefty tag, however, that price could also represent the peace of mind in knowing that they'll be at your door when they drop.

Luisa Via Roma
Luisa Via Roma
Luisa Via Roma
Luisa Via Roma
Luisa Via Roma
Luisa Via Roma
Luisa Via Roma
Luisa Via Roma

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