Linkin Park are no strangers to the green scene. Following the 2004 Southeast Asia tsunami tragedy, the group founded Music for Relief, an environmentally conscious organization that calls upon the music community fight global warming. Continuing with their efforts, and just on the heels of Live Earth, this year's Projekt Revolution tour will place its emphasis on environmental education.

"Let's say the worst case scenario is that there is no connection [between global warming and natural disasters], and it's just the way that the world is moving and we're not contributing to it," Bennington said at a press conference last week. "But at the same time, what's the worst thing that could happen? We'd have cleaner air, less greenhouse gases going into the atmosphere and people are using less energy."

Projekt Revolution and Music for Relief will donate $1 from each ticket sold this summer to American Forests' Global ReLeaf program, which plants trees to reduce global temperatures.

"We're going to try to plant over a million trees during this touring cycle," Bennington said. "By raising awareness as much as possible, encouraging people to make simple changes in their life and showing them how by offering information at the tour, we can make a difference. If at the end of the day all we did was plant a bunch of trees, that's cool with me."

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