Jonezen Calls on God in ‘Heaven for a Sinner’ Video [WATCH]
Jonezen has experienced many obstacles in his life. Despite the hardships including his battle with alcoholism, the 26-year-old rapper didn't let that get him down. Instead he directed his problems into art and wrote Live From Rehab, his first mixtape, while in treatment. And now the Detroit-bred, Los Angeles transplant has shared his new visual for the track, "Heaven for a Sinner," with everyone, which is premiering today (May 9) on The Boombox.
Jonezen spoke with us about the new video and how music saved his life. Learn more about Jonezen and watch "Heaven for a Sinner" above.
What's "Heaven for a Sinner" about?
The simplest way to sum it up is to say it’s about regrets. It’s an honest look at my life and the things I wish I could go back and do again. I’ve made a lot of bad choices and hurt some people along the way. Nothing I’m proud of, but it’s the truth. I think at some point everybody kind of asks the question if they believe in something bigger than themselves.
What's the premise behind the video?
The director Brian Cox, who’s the man by the way, had this vision of making it seem like a confession. Like I’m talking to god and Lauren, the vocalist, is sort of this angelic figure. We also wanted to hit the cemetery because shoot what symbolized death more than that? So that’s the concept…talking to god, asking the hard questions, wondering what happens next when it’s my time to leave this place.
You recorded your debut mixtape while you were in rehab. How has music helped you get through alcoholism and just turn your life around?
Man, if it wasn’t for the recording studio in rehab I don’t know if I would have stayed. And if I hadn’t stayed, and left before I was ready, who knows where I’d be right now. Most likely dead, and that’s not an exaggeration. My liver was shutting down, I was super sick, it was all sort of bad when I went in. When I was there music gave me an escape. It’s always been like therapy for me to take what’s inside and give it life, to get it out. It helped me chill out, find peace, and deal with my situation and emotions. Before getting sober I had accomplished some stuff in the industry, but nothing like what I’ve been able to do since getting clean. So it’s really helped not only keep me alive but given new life to my career.
Why do you feel it's important to be so honest in your music?
Because that’s what I appreciate in other artists. When I listen to a track that makes me feel something I connect with it on a deeper level. It’s also what makes me feel the best when I write, and that’s really what it’s all about. That’s not to say that I don’t just rap to rap and spit bars. I do that too, but I think there’s got to be a balance. I want to give people a window inside my life, who I am as a person.
What do you hope to accomplish with your music?
It’s two fold. I’m just going to keep it real and put it out there, I want all the selfish things. The awards, the radio play, the making a great living and providing for a family. All that. Which is odd because I’m a pretty reserved person. But I also want to connect with an audience, make an impact and say things that resonate with people on more than a surface level. I’ve been through some hard times in life and I think those struggles can help some people who might be going through similar things.
What's next for Jonezen?
I think my biggest personal goal is to get on the road full time. Aside from that we’re going to push this video and single hard, see where it goes, and from there plan out the next moves. I’m in the studio recording new music, have plans for some video shoots, some shows coming up. Pretty much the plan is to keep hitting the streets hard with this content and music, play some shows, and see where we can take it.
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