HBO will air the fourth installment of their four-part docu-series, The Defiant Ones, which follows the rise of two of music's biggest influencers, Dr. Dre and Jimmy Iovine.

The series, directed by Allen Hughes, has received critical acclaim for its focus on Dre and Iovine's career ups and downs, determination and innovative thinking. In this clip, Dre and Eminem talk about meeting in the studio for the very first time, a surreal experience for Em which obviously led to millions of hit records.

“I’m looking at Dre like, ‘Dude, I see you on TV all the time. You’re one of my biggest influences ever in life,'” Em says in the clip.

Dre says he immediately knew Eminem was something special.

“I’m like, ‘Man, listen. I think this s--- is f----ing incredible, and I would love to work with you," he says.

Dre recalls how on the very first day, within literally the first few minutes of being in the studio together, one of Eminem's biggest hits, "My Name Is" was created. Watch the clip above.

The Defiant Ones part 4 airs on Wednesday, July 12 at 9 pm ET. All episodes are available for streaming on HBO GO and HBO NOW.


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