Death Row Records is back on solid ground again after surviving some extensive financial troubles, and current CEO Lara Lavi is wasting no time moving forward with her company. The formerly Los Angeles-based label was acquired by Lavi's Toronto-based WIDEawake Entertainment Group back in January for $18 million after facing bankruptcy. Since the purchase, Lavi has announced the launch of a new division of the company, Death Row Films, which will begin production of their first project, 'Sons 2 The Grave,' in October.

Lavi recently released details on the upcoming indie film, starring actors Dorian Harewood, K.C. Collins and Cameron Miles Jones, which tells the story of a talented young basketball player who's NBA dreams are wiped out after receiving two gunshot wounds. "This film embodies what we're trying to do with Death Row, to tell human stories that don't always have happy endings, and that allow us to learn from violence and disenfranchised lives, but not glorify it," Lavi said.

Despite Death Row's controversial past, Lavi has made an effort to use the label's notoriety to her advantage. "We're looking at film properties that relate to 'Boyz n the Hood'-type stories, and to power the films with Death Row music," she said.

While Death Row's film division embarks on a new frontier, the label plans to re-release Dr. Dre's 'The Chronic,' on September 1, featuring seven new songs.

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