An Ariana Grande concert in Manchester, U.K. ended in chaos and tragedy after a report of "explosions" that led to a crowd stampede. TMZ reports that the explosions occurred at the end of Grande's concert at Manchester Arena which led to people scrambling for safety.

There were tweets from attendees that there were numerous injuries and blood "everywhere."

"Just ran from an explosion," tweeted one concertgoer. "Genuinely thought were going to die."

Grande had reportedly just left the stage when there was a "loud bang."

A source connected with Ariana tells us she had just left the stage when everyone heard what appeared to be an explosion.

Majid Khan, 22, reportedly told The Independent: “I and my sister, along with a lot of others were seeing Ariana Grande perform at Manchester Arena, and we were all exiting the venue when around 10.40-10,45pm-ish, a huge bomb-like bang went off that hugely panicked everyone and we were all trying to flee the arena.

“It was one bang and essentially everyone from the other side of the arena where the bang was heard from suddenly came running towards us as they were trying to exit Trinity Way and that was blocked so everyone was just running to any exit they could find as quickly as they could.

“Everyone was in a huge state of panic, calling each other as some had gone to the toilet whilst this had gone off, so it was just extremely disturbing for everyone there.”

Police have descended on the area, and the arena's metro station is now closed. Authorities are urging people to stay clear: "Emergency services responding to serious incident at Manchester Arena. Avoid the area." According to TMZ, Greater Manchester Police have said there are a "number of confirmed fatalities and others injured" but it hasn't been specified whether the injuries are from the stampede or from a blast. Police have not confirmed an explosion.

More details as this story develops.

The New York Times reports that the explosion may have been a suicide bombing and there are killed at least 19 people dead and more than 50 others wounded. This could be the deadliest terror attack in Great Britain since the 2005 London subway bombings.

At least one explosion reportedly was in the arena's foyer, according to the British Transport Police, which protects the Manchester Victoria train station next to the arena. The terminal was evacuated.


22 people have reportedly been killed in the Manchester bombing.

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