‘Daddy’s Little Girls’ Break Out on Their Own
They've been showcasing their lives for the last five years on the popular television show 'Run's House' and, now, MTV has decided to give Vanessa and Angela Simmons -- the daughters of hip-hop legend Rev. Run -- their own spinoff dubbed 'Daddy's Little Girls.'
Starting January 2009, the Simmon's girls leave New York for good and start their lives in their new home, Los Angeles.
Vanessa and Angela Simmon's own the female footwear collection Pastry and they're relocating to Los Angeles will include the launch of a new retail location. Daddy's Little Girls will follow the daily lives of the Simmon's girls, and their cousin Jessica and friend Aleicia.
The premiere show for "Daddy's Little Girls" is scheduled for January 5.
Campaignwatch 2008
Karl Walter, Getty Images
Simone Joyner,Getty
Gary Miller, FilmMagic
Gustavo Caballero, Getty
Kevin Terrell,Getty
Arnold Turner, WireImage
Leon Neal, AFP, Getty
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Photo by Bryan Bedder, Getty Images
Mark Allan/WireImage, Getty
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