Welcome to TheBoombox.com. If you’ve been here before we’d like to welcome you back. We hope you like our new, cleaner design.

For years this site’s been your source for hip-hop and R&B news, interviews, new music, videos and exclusives. In our newest incarnation we’re striving to be much more. You’ll still get everything necessary to feed your need for all things hip-hop and R&B but now we’re expanding our coverage to include things that pertain to your everyday life. We’ll not only keep you informed when it comes to music--we’ll also keep you up to date on style, technology, culture, and more.

Speaking of technology, we realize that you’ll be checking the site from your phone a lot so we’ve also got a new streamlined mobile experience that’s been optimized for your iPhone or Android device. That means the mobile site will behave like an app so that the content will be displayed better and that sharing via Facebook and Twitter will be virtually effortless.

We’ve got a new look, a broader scope, and a better mobile experience. Keep your eyes on TheBoombox--we’re about to turn it up a couple of notches.


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