Kid Cudi, who was set to be added to the cast of Empire's third season as Tiana's love interest, will no longer be holding down the role. Instead, Romeo Miller will take on the role of Gram, Hakeem's rival.

Entertainment Weekly reports that Cudi left the show due to "creative differences"—though there's no word on what those differences were exactly. The Chicago rapper had already shot scenes for the series, which premieres on Fox in three weeks, so there will likely have to be some reshoots.

Cudi's departure from Empire will likely give him more time to focus on music. His anticipated release, Passion, Pain & Demon Slayin’, is still in the works, and last Saturday (Aug. 27), he debuted another track from the project, "Magic," at the Trillectro Festival.

As for Romeo, who also starred in 2011's Jumping the Broom, he documented his arrival on set with a photo of him and Bryshere Gray that he posted to Instagram.

Empire will return to Fox on Sept. 21 at p.m. Check Romeo's post below.


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