The story of Jesus has been called the greatest ever told, and now, thanks to a beatboxing vicar in Devon, England, it's also the greatest ever rapped.

Over the last few weeks, Rev. Gavin Tyte -- or TyTe, as he's known when he's in hip-hop mode -- has garnered more than 15,000 YouTube views with 'The Beatbox Nativity,' his rap retelling of the Christmas story.

According to the Daily Mail, TyTe was a professional beatboxer -- whatever that means -- before becoming ordained seven years ago. He often uses the skill as part of his sermons, and following the success of a live video he made last year about the gospel of Luke, he decided to produce an HD version, complete with subtitles.

"I love writing and wondered if it was possible to write the bible in rap," TyTe told the newspaper. "I have hung out with rappers for a long time, but trying to turn each verse into a rhyming verse is really tricky.

"You are constrained by what is written and what sounds good so it does not flow as well as if you were rapping from scratch."

In the clip, TyTe plays three characters: angel, narrator and shepherd. Each couplet shows up onscreen, while a scoreboard on the bottom keeps track of which bible verse he's paraphrasing.

"He's the Savior and the Lord, there's no one higher," he raps as the angel, praising the newborn baby Jesus. "God's anointed one, we're talking Messiah."

It's not as bangin' as Kanye's 'Jesus Walks,' but it's arguably more educational.

Watch 'The Beatbox Nativity'

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